Welcome to our Salary Prediction

Learn about our machine learning model trained on real-world data.

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This Machine Learning Web Application provides a user-friendly interface for interacting with a machine learning model trained on real-world data.
Built using Python and the Streamlit framework, this application allows users to select input features,
input data, and obtain predictions from the model in real-time. It also includes features for data visualization and model evaluation..

User Interface


The number of the data from different countries.
Enhance user to understand the data and model performance
through data visualization and model evaluation features.


This project was inspired by the increasing demand
for personalized salary prediction tools in the job market.
I noticed a gap in the availability of such tools
and decided to create one that leverages machine learning
techniques to provide accurate salary estimates
based on individual characteristics.
This is a Portfolio Project for Holberton School

Check out our Deployed Project Application

About the Developer

Hi, I'm Isaac, the developer behind this ML web app.
My journey into machine learning started when I realized the immense impact it can have on transforming data into actionable insights.
Throughout my education and professional experience, I've been fascinated by the intersection of data science and software development.

During my time at Alx Holberton School, I've had the opportunity to dive deep into various ML algorithms,
data preprocessing techniques, and model deployment strategies. This project showcases my skills in building scalable and user-friendly ML applications.

Try Our Demo

Enable users to select input features, input data,
and obtain predictions from the model.